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Thomaston police arrested a suspect for carjacking at taco bell, Friday---25-year-old Fredrick Napier of 212 Jefferson Ave--who was impersonating a police officer. The pd report said the victim, a 27 year old male from Shiloh, ga , Justin Roden, was sitting in his truck waiting for his wife to get their order from the drive-thru. He told police Napier approached his vehicle and stated he was an undercover cop and charged the victim had just bought drugs from one of his " boys.' the victim asked to see a badge, but Napier then got aggressive with him and instructed him to put his hands behind his back. The suspect walked away and fled when Roden's wife walked-up.


She immediately called 911 and Napier was booked into jail claiming he thought Roden was someone he knew named Tyler and was playing a joke on him. Napier is charged with carjacking, impersonating an officer and false imprisonment.

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