The Thomaston City Council approved a 46% tax millage increase on a 4-0 vote at a called meeting, thursday, but it would not have been unanimous if Councilman Ryan Tucker had been present, as he was opposed. Tucker relayed a message to City Manager Russell Thompson that he was not in favor due to discripancies in property valuations, and current economic factors. His preference for the budget was a revenue source that did not fall solely on property owners. During a previous public hearing Tucker said he favors a consumption-type flat tax--not property tax.
Councilman Don Greathouse took ownership of the 50-50 funding for the tax hike, half from utilities and half from property taxes. He explained this way non-profits that don't pay property taxes will also participate in the needed revenue for city operations. Debt service for the new fire station was the primary need for the tax hike, city officials said.